My new project: Tact, a simple chat app.

Tallinn ID-ticket

AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus and Tallinn City. 2003-2004

Webmaster, PHP, design, PR, campaign, marketing


Deploy the Estonian ID card as a ticketing token in Tallinn public transport.

What I did

The city of Tallinn launched electronic ticketing, based on the national ID card, for its public transport system, in March 2004. The system features flexible and convenient billing, with users being able to purchase public transport tickets through retail network, by landline or mobile phone, or Internet banking.

I was the technical coordinator for the product website. I also worked together with the agency producing the marketing materials for the service and with the Tallinn City Government to ensure the smooth marketing launch of the product.


As of 2007, ID-ticket revenue accounted for over 65% of the overall public transport ticket revenue in city of Tallinn. Every day, more that 120,000 persons used the ID-ticket in Estonia.

In 2013, Tallinn switched to a contactless card for public transport ticketing, leaving the ID-ticket behind as an obsolete step on the journey of progress.